Day 5 15 January 2019
Barranco to Karanga Camp 5 km
Elevation 3100 m (13,451 ft)
WOW! What a day. We scaled the Great Barranco Wall and across Kissing Rock. I honestly had no idea it would be like that. Simply amazing. Jessica is terrified of heights and even though she didn’t like it, she conquered her fear. I did my best to help her all that I could. I had my GoPro on as long as I could but it stopped right as I got to Kissing Rock. Man. I surprised myself. I scaled that wall better than I thought I would. And like days past, I only struggled going uphill. I make it every time, just not as fast. And I am ok with that. Maybe it its because everyone else is taking Diamox and I am not.
But like in life, everyone has their own journey. I contemplated taking it today, but it may be too late. I just didn’t like the way it made me feel. I’ve just got to make sure I drink plenty of water. Because oxygen levels tonight were really low. Dropped to 85 when they were 94 before. More water. Deep breaths. I’m going to do this.